Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm more bad??

I'm sorry I gave up on the blog because I wanted people to read it and thought nobody cares. However some do they just did not say anything. I went to the Rhinebeck festival but have no pictures yet. Sarah has them. So what I am going to share is this horrible Christmas show that EVERYBODY HAS TO SEE!!!!! The Star Wars Holiday Special If you type it up in youtube you will find it. Princess Leia sings, there's a cartoon were Han Solo has no eyes, and Jefferson Starship makes a cameo. It was horrible and my husband Robert is making me watch it every holiday he says. I mean Chewbacca's dad is named Itchy and his son Lumpy. Need I says more??????? I love star wars more than normal people should but this sucks. SO WATCH IT :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm Bad

I'M SORRY I'm Bad!!! I have not written since May. I am back at work. Rob still hates the commute. I have not finished my wrap. However I m hopeful. I m upset though. My doctor told me I would gain weight, more like ten pounds! It sucks and I am struggling with it. AHHHH! My Brother left for the Marines, but I really want my brother to come home. It's like a double edge sword. My bro had a fever and now his vein burst in his right calf. He does not want to quit. So I don't wanna root for him to fail but I want him home sooo I'm stuck in the middle.

Friday, May 1, 2009

ALL better

I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY i have not been blogging I have been really sick. I was quarantined as I said before and was only let of of the dungeon to be put in a machine. If you have ever seen space odessy This really boring movie Robbie loves. This is what the machine looked like. Shiny white like a brand new I-pod and moves really really slow as it took pictures of my body. I had to lay still for and hour and you all know that when they ask you to lay still all of a sudden your hair itchers you need to scratch you nose. It's awful. So That was fun. I also am making a public service announcement ALWAYS FOLLOW DOCTORS ORDERS!!! As soon as I had the last test done. I was sooo sick and tired of laying in bed I doubled up on my medicine. I know..I KNOW so stupid. I wanted to be at a bar-b-que for my brother who is leaving for the Marines. I had so much energy I was walking normally but it was way to soon to have a nomral day of movement when your body has not been moving for 14 days. I ended up going to bed at 7 am. I paid for it. The next day I thought I was fine I ended up kiling my hamstrings and the back of my arms. I was in bed in tears and defenetly heard it from my doctors. It was a no no. Basically my mind is healthy and ready to go but I must let my body catch up. So there you go.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Today is a rough one

I'm having a rough day I slept yesterday for 12 hours.I'm more tired than yesterday so here are some beautiful flowers from the staff at my elementary school. I love that my friends have sent me flowers :) These were locked up with me in my room. ;)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The day has come...Well It came yesterday

This is a sign that hangs on my door. It says what I can and can't do. I also took notes on it to remind myself not to do said things. I'm in confinement in my bedroom. There is no going in or out unless it's to and from the hospital. The reason being because behind this door holds power unimaginable ..behind this door lies Radioactive Superchick with the move you. I tried to take a movie of them giving me the radioactive pills also know as I-131 but alas they said no, however My husband Robbie could watch. They brought into this tiny room a heavy tube with a lid. They removed the lid and slowly and heavily they turned the lid and lifted it off. Then Vinny my Indian nuclear medicine specialist who is short and cute said, "Would you like to kiss your wife for the last time?" Robbie and I were taken aback "GASP!" So Robbie approached me and Vinny had to screw the heavy lid back on. So now I was properly kissed and ready for take 2. The lid was OFF and I could see the walls of the tube were really thick it looked like a giant bullet and inside this giant bullet was a plastic bullet with my name on it. Vinny lifted the plastic bullet and unscrewed that one I was kinda hoping a cute little cardboard bullet would be inside with a note that said "BANG" but it was the blue I-131. I was then allowed back home to confinement. These are a list of things I cannot do.
1. touch little animals
2. touch my husband, no kissing or anything else unless it is a quick hug.
3. no sharing a room with anybody!
4. cannot hang with kids.
5. cannot eat shellfish
6. cannot have salt with iodine in it.
I can still pass it through bodily fluids for up to a week so I cannot lick you in the face. I'm kinda having fun with this but I am soo tired. I have read books knitted and so forth. I recently finished Are you there God it's me Margaret , I can see why Sawyer loves that book, I feel like a woman now.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Kay's Husband

I do not know how many knitters out there check up on my blog. However. Somebody had let me borrow this book. Mason-Dixon knitting and I took off knitting inspired by these ladies Witt, humor, and projects. I also followed their blog Mason-Dixon I am sad to say that Kay's husband passed away today. They will be in my thought's and prayer. If anybody out there wanted to to something for the family consider knitting for an organization called Afghans for, they collect blankets,sweaters,mittens,socks for people in need in Afghanistan . They are always in need and that's all Kay has asked for.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Knitting, My Cake