Friday, April 10, 2009

Well I feel loved. These are the flowers Hayley sent me!! She's in Germany and I wonder if she ordered while in Germany? If so, She has to teach me how to say that! Guten Tag flowers? I know that's not it that's like hello flowers or something. But wait the flowers have a little friend! It's Dannie's Alligator! Dannie's alligator lives in Hayley's flowers. Dannie sent me and egg that I kept in water and a baby alligator grew! Alas it was not a dinosaur. What should I name him? I think it's a boy if it lives in Hayley's flowers. I tried to fix the comment box so if you do not have a google account you can write it Type your name and choose anonymous and it will NOT appear until I approve it. So! There you go (like the dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding) Thanks for all the e-mails and text messages I love you all. Next maybe a video? Some are very curious as to what a body scan is and I would be too. So I'm going to try to sneak in some video if I can. Peace Out.


Anonymous said...


Keri Belloise said...

Monica...keep knitting. The love will come through, no mistakes in that!!!

Prince Kaleido said...

If you'd like to know, thank you is "danke" and thanks a lot is "danke shoon", that's not how you write it of course, but that's how its pronounced.

Starlitesis said...